Monday 17 December 2012

Q4:Shooting and Filming Equipment

Green Screen
During the photo shoot for our ancillaries we decided to use the green screen as a background so that it was a block colour that would contrast with the subjects making it easier to edit on photoshop. There were different extras included when using the green screen such as lights and reflectors to make sure the characters didn't have shadows on their faces.
For our photo shoot we used the DSLR camera as it was a high quality camera when used for stills and allowed a manual focus making it easier to focus perfectly. They were easy and simple to use and the photographs came out a good quality.
For the filming, we used a selection of Stills Cameras, DSLR Cameras and the Hand Held HD Cameras. Reasons we used them:
  1. Stills Cameras - We used these to film some small sections such as High Angle close ups which needed a smaller camera so that it was easier to hold.
  2. DSLR Camera - We used this as it had an external sound boom for scenes in quieter places (e.g. Living Room Scene) so that the sound would be higher quality but it would not pick up any background noise.
  3. Hand Held HD Camera - We used this camera for the rest of our filming as it was the Highest Quality filming camera and was easy to use for hand held shots as it has a strap which keeps it steady.

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