Friday 14 December 2012

Q4: Blogger

Throughout my whole media project including planning, construction and evaluation, I used Blogger as a way to post all of my work and keep it together. It is a useful site for uploading pictures, writing text posts and embedding YouTube videos to show my progress in the project.

To make a new post on Blogger I first had to log in and click the New Post icon:
I then gave the post a title using the title bar at the top:

Then I entered text into my post using the main text box:
I could also add a picture by clicking the picture icon:
I did not enter a picture, instead I embeded a YouTube video into the post. I did this by going onto and finding the video. Once I had found it, I went to Share>Embed and copied the code given:
I then came back onto blogger, clicked HTML and pasted the code in:
And clicked Publish:

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