Aims : Analyse Hollyoaks trailer make a blog entry find
origins and characteristics of British soap.
Opens with title card
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Paul “nothing
you do will ever push me away” 2 shot of him and Mercedes. Paul dominates the
frame and is at least 50% of the frame, dominant in the relationship. Window is
out of shot but light is seen, shows that they are indoors in a house. Can see
all of Pauls face and his eyes are framed looking towards hers, his body is
also leaning towards hers.
Mercedes is in soft focus and is being dominated
in the frame, she is not looking in his eyes she is looking down. Also her hair
is hiding her face from Paul. Negative Body language.
Next shot,2 shot in a kitchen. We can tell it is a kitchen due to the mise en scene - tiles, cupboards etc. Following on from
other shot, Mercedes still in shot but times has moved on and she is with
Jaqui. Jaqui in the background looking at Mercedes. Light source coming from
the back coming from a lamp not natural daylight, establishes we are in a
house/flat at night. “I’ve never seen a man so obsessed with me”
We then cut to a 3 shot where Paul is watching
Mercedes talking to her ex Riley. Illustrating what Mercedes was saying about
Paul being obsessed with Mercedes.
Music sounds like a heartbeat, wants the
audience to feel suspense and to feel tense.
Next shot, Reese “the girl needs help” to Jaqui about
It then cuts to a quick few shots of Jaqui sneaking around, each
shot is no longer than 2 seconds. She is crawling around an office, can tell it
is an office because of the mise en scene – plant, blinds, filing cabinet etc.
Jaqui has found his desk and going through his
drawers and next shot shows Jaquis shocked face showing she has found something
in the person’s drawers.
Next shot, Mercedes sat on bed, then POV shot of
phone (5 missed calls from Jaqui) showing that there is a sense of urgency. We
know that Jaqui is calling Mercedes about Paul (who’s office she was in.)
Next shot is Mercedes and Paul again. Paul
dominates the shot, he is looking at Mercedes intensely and in above her so is
literally dominating her. Also because you can’t see much of her face, she
appears vulnerable.
Next shot, Jaqui “ It’s Merce, she’s in danger” shot set in
a hospital, can tell by mise en scene - nurse in background and green walls. Then quick change
to her running in the building of either Paul or Mercedes’ flat.
Through editing and the changing of people and
places, it makes the audience want to watch.
1 storyline, shows it is the dominant storyline
at the moment.